Chelsea Schlecht
Personal Profile
Some kids love to jump, some kids love to spin — but growing up as a skater, I loved edges and turns. Moves in the fields patterns, step sequences, ice dances, and field moves were how I spent my ice time, and it’s where my passion still lies today. As a young skater, I was fortunate enough to be at competitions with some of the best teams in the world — Russia, Finland, top U.S. teams — and watching them spend entire practices on cross-overs and turns was so inspiring. Skating skills, edges, and turns are the true fundamentals of figure skating, and I believe that it is crucial for skaters to continue to refine those skills as they progress in their chosen track of USFSA. I love working with skaters on moves in the field and ice dances, helping them to gain a mastery of the edgework and presentation that is vital to all avenues of figure skating. |
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