Walk-On Skaters
Any skater who has not contracted for ice during a given month, and chooses to skate a club ice session when there are open spots available, is considered a “walk-on”. A “walk-on” must sign into the monitor book on an open slot of the requested session. There are two types of payment for walk-ons: “charging on” to an ice session and “payment in full” at the time of walking-on.
Only FSCM first club members (changed as of 10/8/12) are permitted to charge-on to a club ice session and charge-on's are only permitted on the day of the session. If a contracted club member would like to sign into an open slot as a walk-on prior to the day's session, he/she must pay for the session in full at the time of sign-on. CHARGE-ON'S AND WALK-ON’S BY NON CONTRACTED CLUB MEMBERS IN ADVANCE OF A SESSION ARE NOT PERMITTED. Contracted club members signing-on in advance of a session without paying will be crossed off the monitor sheet.
Non-members are NOT PERMITTED to charge-on to a club session. Non-members are only permitted to walk-on to a session at the beginning of the session and must pay the non-member rate in full before entering the ice. Non-members signing-on in advance of a session will be crossed off the monitor sheet.
Club members without a contract for the current month are NOT PERMITTED to charge-on to a club session. Club members without a contract for the current month are only permitted to walk-on to a session at the beginning of the session and must pay the non-contracted member rate in full before entering the ice. Club members without a contract for the current month signing-on in advance of a session will be crossed off the monitor sheet.
Any issues involving the club’s contracting, walk-on and charge-on policies should be brought to the board’s attention in writing and a decision to allow or disallow a skater’s request will be determined by a majority vote of the current FSCM Board of Directors.
Ice monitors should place all monies from an ice session in an envelope (found on the bottom of the cart). Label the envelop with the date and time of the session as well as the skater’s name and place it in the zipper pouch in the front of the monitor book. Whenever possible, payments should be given to the ice monitor. Skaters should not place their payment directly in the club mailbox unless instructed by an ice monitor.
If your skater is a walk-on to an ice session and there is no ice monitor to handle your payment first, consider being the ice monitor. If not, mark the monitor book with your check number. Leave your check in the zipper pouch in the front of the monitor book.
Only FSCM first club members (changed as of 10/8/12) are permitted to charge-on to a club ice session and charge-on's are only permitted on the day of the session. If a contracted club member would like to sign into an open slot as a walk-on prior to the day's session, he/she must pay for the session in full at the time of sign-on. CHARGE-ON'S AND WALK-ON’S BY NON CONTRACTED CLUB MEMBERS IN ADVANCE OF A SESSION ARE NOT PERMITTED. Contracted club members signing-on in advance of a session without paying will be crossed off the monitor sheet.
Non-members are NOT PERMITTED to charge-on to a club session. Non-members are only permitted to walk-on to a session at the beginning of the session and must pay the non-member rate in full before entering the ice. Non-members signing-on in advance of a session will be crossed off the monitor sheet.
Club members without a contract for the current month are NOT PERMITTED to charge-on to a club session. Club members without a contract for the current month are only permitted to walk-on to a session at the beginning of the session and must pay the non-contracted member rate in full before entering the ice. Club members without a contract for the current month signing-on in advance of a session will be crossed off the monitor sheet.
Any issues involving the club’s contracting, walk-on and charge-on policies should be brought to the board’s attention in writing and a decision to allow or disallow a skater’s request will be determined by a majority vote of the current FSCM Board of Directors.
Ice monitors should place all monies from an ice session in an envelope (found on the bottom of the cart). Label the envelop with the date and time of the session as well as the skater’s name and place it in the zipper pouch in the front of the monitor book. Whenever possible, payments should be given to the ice monitor. Skaters should not place their payment directly in the club mailbox unless instructed by an ice monitor.
If your skater is a walk-on to an ice session and there is no ice monitor to handle your payment first, consider being the ice monitor. If not, mark the monitor book with your check number. Leave your check in the zipper pouch in the front of the monitor book.